The Fabric Bundles are Back! -
We are so excited to be blogging about this because we know how popular these fabric bundles are! Now then, we’ve had a bit of a change round with them- going off when we have spoken to you, our lovely customers, we know you buy bundles for a variety of reasons; some people just want small bits to practise on, others want them to use as appliqué or for crafts. As such we have separated them into ‘Large’ and ‘Small’ fabric bundles. This way (we hope) everybody will manage to get pieces that they want or that are appropriate to the project they have in mind. This said it is important to remember half of the fun of bundles is that it is almost like a lucky draw, you never know what fabric you will get! We try to make them in complimenting colours, but we cannot guarantee it. If you’re a fan of our fabric bundles, let us know what you make out of them!